Holidays and Caring, A Time for Love

What about Our Children, who are The Future of Our World

NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! will never accept Child Abuse, Indifference, nor Violence.  These things have NO PLACE in Our World, they are the evil created by the purveyors of filth, the bullys, and the perverts that infect Our World;  a CANCER WE CAN ELIMINATE.

UnChained Project: a human rights organization that is mobilizing advocates globally to provide localized community-based awareness and Christian mission-styled support for people victimized as children by human trafficking, all forms of child abuse and bullying.

Through events, workshops, prayer and outreach, UnChained groups will be localized lighthouses of hope within communities throughout the U.S. and internationally for survivors of all ages.

UnChained Project is an extension program of Ark of Hope for Children, a national U.S. based nonprofit organization. Localized events and fundraising will also support Ark of Hope’s other programs including; – global live chat survivor support website

Harbourage Safe Homes – in north Florida for rescued survivors of human trafficking

Ark of Hope for Children, PO Box 342, Alachua, FL 32615-0342


UnChained Project brings awareness and support on a global scale for the hundreds of thousands of survivors of child trafficking, the many forms of child abuse and teen bullying. Survivors we are here for you!

Survivors of human trafficking and child abuse so often live in fear and a self-imposed code of silence. Virtually all of them were victimized by adults, so how do they trust other adults with their horrible secret? Many successfully managed to bury their past and move on, only to have it rear up and raise debilitating havoc in their twenties, thirties and forties. Thousands are imprisoned within their own minds, reliving the abuse through nightmares and flashbacks that bring on severe depression, PTSD, alcoholism, drug abuse and more.

Survivors of teen bullying, many as young as eleven and twelve don’t fare much better. As their peers compete for recognition, in search of their own identity, too many targets of bullying slip into an ever deepening hole of despair. Their pain is so often manifested in depression, self-harm and suicidal thought.

It is time to rally a front line defense in our communities

It is time to embrace survivors and help break their silence

It is time for action


UnChained Project wants to mobilize advocates willing to provide awareness and support for survivors of child trafficking living in silence in your community. Here’s why;

  • Over 100,000 underage girls and boys are trafficked into slavery (1)
  • Odds of being rescued; 1 in 100 (2)
  • Of every three child victims, two are girls and one is a boy (3)
  • AVERAGE age a child is first exploited by prostitution is 12-14 years old  (4)
  • Infants are often identified in child pornography (4)
  • They may be forced into sex 20 to 48 times a day (5)
  • Life span of a victim can be as little as 2 to 4 years, having succumbed to attack, abuse, HIV and other STD’s, overdose or suicide (4)
  • Sex trade industry is the second largest global industry raising $32 billion a year, equal to $87 million a day! (6)
  • Sale of child porn in the U.S. alone raises more than a $3 billion annually! (7)

The above are some of the many child trafficking statistics gathered by our parent nonprofit organization Ark of Hope for Children to highlight the reason for alarm.

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