Comment Guidelines

We want to say Thank You for visiting NOT IN MY WORLD!!!!®. The fact that you are here shows you care for Our Children;  we only wish there were more people like you.

We want My World to be a place where everyone feels comfortable with the knowledge that everyone matters here, as does their opinion and ideas.  We are here for THE FUTURE OF MY WORLD, and that is Our Children.  We want My World to reflect what we want and feel for Our Children,  So feel free to send us any ideas you might have which will improve or make My World a better place, and more effective in getting people to join with us in doing every possible thing we can to help ensure Our Children a Better Future.  With that in mind, I trust everyone will limit their topics of comments to:

  1. The subject of the post.
  2. Our Children.
  3. My World.

We are all friends here, and we expect the same from each of our guests.  So first and foremost practice the philosophy “Treat others how you would like to be treated”


  1. Don’t pick a fight – Always keep the discussion civil by not ridiculing, mocking, humiliating, insulting or referring to another member in a derogatory, threatening or malicious manner.
  2. Leave the suit at the office – Do not promote or advertise your own endeavors.
  3. Don’t be a hater – Do not post (or link to) offensive, inflammatory, obscene, vulgar, profane, racist or sexually explicit text.
  4. We also delete comments – That are written entirely in another language, as well as those that are difficult to understand due to serious grammatical and spelling errors.
  5. We hope you’ll appreciate and stand by these guidelines. Our goal is to make My World a place for both information and feedback. What you say matters. 🙂

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