Our Circle

NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! is Our Circle’s way to Speak Out Against Child Abuse.

Our Circle of Friends met on Google, I am unsure how long some of these friends had known each other, but in my heart I believe some had known each other for what had seemed an eternity at the time they had bonded.  By this, I mean they bonded in a way that only a certain type of person bonds, and had done so in a far away place, where they couldn’t look across the table and smile at their Mother and say “Good Morning Mom, how did you sleep”.  To be continued…. 

But I do want them all to know how much they mean to me.
~ Robert StrongBow ~


“Throughout history, it has been the INACTION of those who could have acted; the INDIFFERENCE of those who should have known better; the SILENCE of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it POSSIBLE for evil to triumph.”
~ Emperor Haile Selassie ~

February 19, 2015 was the 6th month anniversary of the day we associated the names Our Circle and NOT IN MY WORLD!!!!® together.

Nothing had come easy, except the talk between friends, from the first days of planning and building.  The first month was a very tough time; we might have added 5 people, while our hours per day went to about 8 for 6 days.

After adding the Facebook page, we experienced an unforseen problem with the site, which caused growth problems on G+ and FB.  It took about a week to do the work and maintenance, and that’s when WordPress saved the day for me, I was at a very low point, and suddenly I heard NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! breathing on her on;  there was not one of us who could doubt any longer that Our Circle’s voice was being heard.

Christmas was going to be very special, but the really humbling thing about it all, was no matter what I decided or wanted, it ended up twice as good as we ever could have imagined.

After the first of the year, people began to notice us on many more search engines, we began to be a talked about subject known in many circles.  That’s when it became very apparent that only one thing could be done to satisfy the nearly 100 on Google, 100 on WordPress, and 1800+ on Facebook.  Someone had to be sacrificed….

 Service Award

Service Through Leadership Award

Bunny has given as many members of Our Circle have given, to protect Our Country and keep us Free.  Bunny answered the Call of Duty, and served as a Member of The U. S. Navy.

As a member of Our Circle, Bunny and several others answer the call to Advise or in other capacities also, giving freely for the good of Our Children.  With the opening of Our Facebook page, Bunny answered the Call to Duty once again.  There is one thing very different from 6 months ago, this was simply “Our Circle’s way to speak out against Child Abuse”, now it is the way we will affect change.  

ℜ….  From this point on is the original Our Circle Page, it is my decision that to see the accomplishments of Our Circle, as they happen, the newest will be added to the top.  Robert

NOT IN MY WORLD!!!!® on G+ opened Our doors for business on August 19, 2014.

We have always introduced the new members of Our Circle, and since early on, we have had a special thing like a group hug when we celebrate our momentous occasions.

Although it’s nothing like a group hug, since we are in the internet age.

Our Editor, who has the mind of a genius, tells everyone to standup no matter where they are, then the announcement is made, where-upon we are instructed to give ourselves a big hug because we deserve it due to all the hard work and time we invest.

That has been the extent of awards, with the exception of a heart-felt Thank You as often as possible.

This morning was quiet different, we awarded the Heroes of NOT IN MY WORLD!!!!®  February 2015 Group Award, and I am extremely proud of everyone who made the list, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

An Award for service
Heroes of NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! February 2015 Group Award

Fill it out, don't be a stranger forever.